How Can I Apply for a Partner Visa in Australia?

How Can I Apply for a Partner Visa in Australia?

Partner visa subclass 820 is a step towards applying for a temporary citizenship in the country of Australia. One can simultaneously apply for partner visa subclass 801 for a permanent residentship in the country. Both the visas are available at a single application charge and the basic processing time is approximately two years. The temporary

Partner visa subclass 820 is a step towards applying for a temporary citizenship in the country of Australia. One can simultaneously apply for partner visa subclass 801 for a permanent residentship in the country.

Both the visas are available at a single application charge and the basic processing time is approximately two years. The temporary partner visa allows you to remain in the country of Australia based on your marital relationship.

  • Partner visa subclass 820 is a temporary arrangement until you receive a permanent partner visa 801 that is valid for 5 years
  • The cost of applying for the visa depends on various factors and reasons.
  • The processing time for receiving the visa is 23 – 30 months
  • Partner Visa 820 allows you to work and study in the country
  • The visa allows you to travel within and outside Australia indefinitely
  • You might get eligible to attend the free English language classes from the adult migrant English program.
  • The Visa is temporary

Why Do I need a Partner Visa Subclass 820?

Nobody can obtain an automatic residentship in Australia even if they are married to a citizen of the country. You need to apply for a permanent visa while following the protocol of a temporary Partner visa subclass 820.

The temporary visa allows you to work and stay in the country of Australia while obtaining medical benefits. Another reason why you need to obtain Partner visa subclass 820 before getting a permanent residentship is to examine the authenticity of the marriage.

The period of examination generally extends up to two years and if the marriage comes to an end within that specific tenure, the applicant is disallowed from obtaining a permanent residence in the country. 

The Australian government has made a proper protocol for obtaining permanent and Temporary visas so that nobody can falsify the relationship to obtain a residence in the country.

What about Partner Visa 801?

The partner visa subclass 801 is a permanent resident ship in the country of Australia. Most of the people who holdPartner visa subclass 820 eligible for partner visa 801.

Who can Apply for Partner Visa Subclass 820?

  • The applicant needs to be genuinely married to someone who either holds an Australian citizenship or is eligible for the citizenship of New Zealand.
  • You need to be in the country of Australia while applying for this visa
  • Permanent residentship of Australian country
  • Eligibility of Australian citizenship
  • Right to participate in social security funds
  • Eligible to invite other relatives for having a permanent residence in the Australian land.
  • Complete freedom to travel within and outside the Australian land for 5 years
Final Words

The process of obtaining a partner visa 820 is generally a step before obtaining a permanent subclass 801 visa. The dual-stage process requires you to simultaneously apply for both permanent and Temporary visa together from the concerned authorities.

There is a single time payment that needs to be paid. The process for obtaining both the visas remains the same. You will get a permanent visa before the expiry of partner visa 820.

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